University Intern, International Services

International Services at the University of Vaasa is looking for a University Intern for the autumn semester. The length of the internship is three months, and can be completed either as a part-time or a full-time job. The internship starts from October, or as agreed, and continues until the end of December. 

Your tasks

As an intern, you will support the teams in International Services. Your tasks include answering enquiries (from prospective and current students, and partners) through e-mail and the CRM system, updating databases, and handling administrative tasks as assigned. 

We require:

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong IT proficiency and digital environment management
  • Fluent spoken and written English (knowledge in Finnish is considered an advantage)
  • The internship must be included in your degree at the University of Vaasa

As an intern in the International Services unit, we offer you the opportunity to get to know the university's administrative work, and experience an international work environment. International Services consist of three teams that take care of, among other things, international mobility, international student recruitment, and quality and accreditation processes.


The salary for the position is € 1399 per month for full-time work.


Apply for the internship through the electronic application form of the University of Vaasa ("Submit an application" button below). Attach a cover letter and CV to the application. The interviews will start already during the application period. The application period ends by midnight on 2 October 2024 (EEST).

Further Information

Further information about the position:

  • Elisa Ylikoski, International Administrative Manager, International Services, tel. +358294498350
  • Susanne Nylund-Torp, International Partnerships Manager, International Services, tel. +358294498785
  • E-mail: firstname.lastname(a)

For questions related to the application form and system, contact: careers(a)

Application period starts: 2024-09-18 13:15Application period ends: 2024-10-02 23:59
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Please keep only one form open when filling out an application!
Applicant information
First name *
Surname *
Previous surnames
Date of birth (Format: dd mm yyyy) *
day month year
We will send you information about your application by e-mail. In order to receive our messages, it is important that the e-mail address is correct.
E-mail address *
I own this e-mail address and I have checked that it is written correctly.
Mobile phone (phone number in international format eg. +358 50 1234567) *
Additional telephone
Address (street and number) *
Post code/ ZIP code *
City or town *
Statistical information
Nationality (for statistical purposes)
Gender (for statistical purposes)
Can your application be used for other recruitments? *
How did you hear about the job opportunity *
Language skills
Native language
Other language skills 1
Other language skills 2
Further language skills and their level
(Max 200 characters)
Characters left:
Education level
Highest completed degree of education *
Education and examinations
Please list up to a maximum of five of the most relevant educational achievements. The complete educational history can be specified in the CV and/or attachments. NOTE! Degrees are automatically arranged in chronological order starting from the latest degree.
University name/educational institution
Major subject/educational program
Date of graduation/estimated date of graduation
month year
Minor subjects
Studies are in progress
Number of ECTS completed, if studies are in progress
Other education/training relevant to your application for employment
(Max 500 characters)
Characters left:
Work experience
Please list up to a maximum of five of the most relevant employments. The complete work history can be specified in the CV and/or attachments. NOTE! The work experiences are automatically ordered by starting date of employment.
Position title
Main duties
Employment started
month year
Employment ended
month year
Other work experience relevant for the job you're applying for
(Max 500 characters)
Characters left:
Other merits and competences
Please briefly describe your IT-skills
(Max 500 characters)
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Please describe shortly why you are a suitable candidate for this position
(Max 500 characters)
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Other comments/details
(Max 1000 characters)
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The maximum filesize is 5 Mb. Allowed file extensions are: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx, jpe, jpg, jpeg, png, gif. The contents of the file must also match the extension.

With regards to attachments, please note the application instructions and possible attachment requirements in the above job specification.
File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx, jpe, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Attach your CV here
Additional attachments
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Additional attachment 1
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Additional attachment 2
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Additional attachment 3
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Additional attachment 4
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File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx, jpe, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Additional attachment 9
File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx, jpe, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
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